"Journal of Digital Media Management is the premier forum for professional and relevant discourse in digital media and content management featuring pertinent, credible and disciplined peer-review articles."
"Journal of Digital Media Management is the premier forum for professional and relevant discourse in digital media and content management featuring pertinent, credible and disciplined peer-review articles."
"In a business environment of increasing trade volumes, increasing regulatory oversight, global consolidation and shrinking margins; access to innovative thinking on how to improve efficiency, cost and risk becomes ever more important. The fact that this Journal ensures all content is peer-reviewed by industry practitioners make it an essential source of information and best practice for all securities operations professionals.”
“I find the content of Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning to be up to date, easy to follow, and applicable to the professional in the field, the student in the class, and the academic. This journal offers a mix of articles from many disciplines in a manner that allows the professional to utilise the data immediately. I have personally used material from this journal on multiple occasions, both in my academic and professional endeavours.”
"Journal of Digital Media Management provides a vital professional resource that accomplishes three important objectives for the field of digital asset management: a peer-reviewed publication, a history of best practices, and a practical source of learning for anyone with responsibility for organising and sharing content."
“This journal provides valuable peer-reviewed practical business Ideas for industry leaders and academics,”
"Airports are complex businesses and the demands they face – from meeting targets for growth while ensuring environmental compliance; from safety and security to keeping consumers satisfied – are becoming increasingly complex. Journal of Airport Management will brief you with some of the most insightful new thinking and latest best practice to help your airport stay ahead of the competition."
"Corporate Real Estate Journal is a definitive source for the latest research-based thinking and knowledge in corporate real estate. Everyone wanting to keep up with the latest thinking needs to include this journal within their regular learning."
“Journal of Brand Strategy combines the latest information from leading academic thinkers together with best practice insights and expertise from branding professionals. Each article is quality controlled with a disciplined peer-review process to insure the Journal’s brand remains professional, credible and relevant. I look forward to each new edition.”
"Written by and for the professional, it provides me with the kind of practical, real-use cases I can apply in my job."