“Business school professors need to ‘get real’ more often. Publishing work “…read only by a limited number of scholars…[with] often…little to no value to practicing mangers and leaders” won’t maintain our status and pay (J. Byrne in Poets & Quants, 2014). The Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions is an antidote we need.”
Conceptualising airport digital maturity and dimensions of technological and organisational transformation
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Abstract: As airports undergo digital transformation, ie a paradigmatic shift in the way digital technologies are adopted and used, there is a need for actionable insights to ensure that airport digital maturity is achieved. Using an integrative review of literature, this paper develops an airport digital maturity model, focusing mainly on a passenger experience perspective. The paper then delineates two dimensions of digital transformation — technological and organisational. Subsequently, an airport digital transformation model is conceptualised to identify key factors that airports need to consider when transforming their business and interesting lines of enquiry for future research. Insights offered by the model are relevant to both practitioners and researchers interested in conducting future studies in this area..
Keywords: airports; maturity models; digital transformation; technology; organisation
Nigel Halpern is an associate professor in tourism at Kristiania University College in Norway and Visiting Fellow with the School of Aviation at The University of New South Wales in Australia. His main research interests are in airport marketing, business efficiency and performance, wider impacts and geographical dimensions of demand. He has published widely on subjects in air transport and tourism and is co-author of the book entitled Airport Marketing (2013, Routledge).
Thomas Budd is a Lecturer in Airport Planning and Management in the Centre for Air Transport Management at Cranfield University, UK, and Course Director for the MSc in Airport Planning and Management. His research and teaching activities focus on issues of air transport environmental sustainability and resilience planning, and how disruptive technologies can be leveraged to facilitate safe, seamless and sustainable journeys. His research in this area has been widely published in leading peer-reviewed academic journals and industry textbooks, including The Journal of Transport Geography, Transportation Research: Part A and the Journal of Air Transport Management.
Pere Suau-Sanchez is a Senior Lecturer in Air Transport Management at Cranfield University and Associate Professor at the Open University of Catalonia. His teaching activities are focused on strategy and digital transformation. His research and consultancy activities expand over a wide range of topics, including digital aviation, airport connectivity, route development, airport strategy, spatial planning around airports and aircraft noise annoyance. He has participated in research grants and has also led aviation consultancy projects for a diverse range of international clients. He is a regular contributor to international press, including the BBC, CNN, Forbes, La Vanguardia, Expansión, among others.
Svein Bråthen is Full Professor in Transport Economics at Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, Norway. His main research activities are within Transport Economics including Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) of Transport Infrastructure (Cost Benefit Analysis, CBA), Regional Economics and Air Transport Economics. He has also worked with intermodal freight markets, logistics/supply chain management and funding of transport investments and transport services. On several occasions, he has done work for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development/International Transport Forum on air transport issues. He has recently been member of an expert group dealing with air transport and its economic and environmental impacts, appointed by the Norwegian Government.
Deodat Mwesiumo is an Associate Professor in supply chain management at Molde University College, Specialized University in Logistics, Norway. His research activities focus on interorganisational relations in value chains and digital business management. His work has appeared in internationally accredited scientific journals including Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research and Annals of Tourism Research.