"In a world where business continuity is now an integral part of everyday life, the Journal provides a holistic look across all industries at how others manage risk. The insights provided are thought provoking and very practical. During its years of publication, the Journal has grown from strength to strength in both its readership and quality and depth of the challenging articles."
Volume 2 (2008-09)
Each volume of Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 2 were:
Volume 2 Number 4
Neighbourhood regeneration: Routes out of disappointment
Trevor Davies, Honorary Professor, Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow and former Convener, Planning Committee, City of Edinburgh Council -
Understanding 'new regional policy': What is behind the government's sub-national economic development and regeneration policy for England?
Paul Hildreth, Visiting Policy Fellow, Centre for Sustainable Urban and Regional Futures (SURF), Salford University -
Urban Improvement Districts in Germany: New legal instruments for joint proprietor activities in area development
Stefan Kreutz, Research Associate, HafenCity University -
How effective are area-based regeneration initiatives in targeting socially excluded individuals?
Deborah Baker, Director of the Centre for Public Health Research, Stephen Barrow, Senior Research Fellow and Chris Shiels, Research Fellow, Institute for Health and Social Care Research, University of Salford -
Creative industries and urban regeneration
David Jarvis, Senior Research Fellow, Hannah Lambie and Nigel Berkeley, Director, Applied Research Centre in Sustainable Regeneration, Coventry University -
Working with 'culture' in multi-ethnic areas: Perspectives for urban regeneration
Paola Briata, Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione, Politecnico di Milano
Volume 2 Number 3
Increasing investment in towns and cities
Jacquie Reilly, BIDs Director, Association of Town Centre Management, Head, National BIDs Advisory Service, and Mo Aswat, The Mosaic Partnership -
Branding in urban regeneration
Jasper Eshuis and Jurian Edelenbos, Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam -
Towards a theology of urban regeneration
James Jones, Bishop of Liverpool and former Chair, Kensington Regeneration, Liverpool -
Beyond the hype: Creative city development in Rotterdam
Jan J. Trip and Arie Romein, OTB Research Institute for Housing, Urban and Mobility Studies, Delft University of Technology -
Weighting decision-making criteria for neighbourhood renewal: Perspectives of university students in Hong Kong
Wing Bo Fung, Assistant Quantity Surveyor, Davis Langdon & Seah (Hong Kong) and Yung Yau, Lecturer, City University of Hong Kong -
Museums for urban regeneration? Exploring conditions for their effectiveness
Beatriz Plaza, Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of the Basque Country and Silke N. Haarich, Consultant for Local and Regional Development, INFYDE S.L. Consulting -
Urban revitalisation and town centre management in Poland: Opportunities and challenges for the 21st century
J. A. Coca-Stefaniak, Senior Lecturer, University of the Arts London, Stanislaw M. Radominski, Founder and Owner, MSR and Katarzyna Ryczek, Architect, Devereux Architects
Volume 2 Number 2
Prioritising sector-focused investor development work with foreign-owned companies in order to accelerate and sustain regeneration
Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive and Natasha Howells, Senior Marketing Manager, MIDAS, Manchester’s Investment Development Agency Service -
Winning the battles but losing the war? Regeneration, renewal and the state of Britain's cities
Malcolm Cooper, Head of Research and Faiza Shaheen, Analyst, Centre for Cities -
The Roanne case: Implications for the procurement of regeneration projects
James Stone, Partner. Projects and Real Estate, Addleshaw Goddard -
Hyperactive governance in the Thames Gateway
Philip Catney, Lecturer, Keele University, Tim Dixon, Professor of Real Estate and Director, Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD), Oxford Brookes University and John Henneberry, Professor of Property Development Studies, Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield -
Towards a holistic approach to regeneration: The importance of operational dimensions
Richard Breese, ODF Perspectives -
Dilemmas in energy renewal: A Danish perspective
Birgitte Dela Stang, Manager of Development, GI, The Danish Landowners Investment Fund -
The business of creative cities
Katherine Champion, Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow
Volume 2 Number 1
Pulling together the strands: Evaluation of regeneration initiatives as applied to New Deal for Communities
Anne Lythgoe, Evaluation Manager, Charlestown and Lower Kersal New Deal for Communities, Salford -
'Doing evaluation': A consultant's perspective
Sarah Longlands, Director of Policy and Francis Markus, Senior Consultant, Centre for Local Economic Strategies -
Why do we never learn?
Christina Ashworth, Consultant, Ci2i Renewal -
Participatory and empowerment evaluation tools for regeneration
Zoe Brooks, CEO, East Oxford Action -
Parallel lines: Diverse approaches to securing meaningful involvement in evaluation by participants in community regeneration programmes
Martin E. Purcell, Senior Research Fellow, Policy Research Institute -
Forgotten voices? The importance of longitudinal evaluation of urban regeneration projects
Veronica Coatham, Birmingham City University, Vice Chair, Castle Vale Community Housing Association and Tim Jones, Senior Lecturer, University of Gloucestershire -
Reflections on the role of the evaluator: Recognising value for money and creative learning within regeneration evaluation
Jon Coaffee, Centre for Urban Policy Studies, University of Manchester, John Diamond, Centre for Local Policy Studies, Edge Hill University