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Volume 3 (2009-10)
Each volume of Journal of Urban Regeneration & Renewal consists of four quarterly 100-page issues. The articles published in Volume 3 were:
Volume 3 Number 4
Guest Editorial: Beyond the Project - Ensuring the progression and continuity of regeneration
Peter Roberts, Chair of the HCA Academy, HCA Board Member and Professor of Sustainable Spatial Development, University of Leeds -
Reflections on a year in Newcastle
David Slater, Executive Director of Environment & Regeneration, Newcastle City Council -
Integrated planning for urban regeneration: The Dynamic Planning approach
Dalia Lichfield, Senior Partner, Lichfield Planning -
The rise of the casino resort
James Morgan, School of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Westminster -
Obama’s urban policy
Neil Lee, Senior Researcher, The Work Foundation -
Urban renewal and regeneration in Sydney, Australia: Council reflections on the planning and development process
Kristian Ruming, Lecturer, Macquarie University, Bill Randolph, Director, City Futures Research Centre, Simon Pinnegar, Deputy Director, City Futures Research Centre and Bruce Judd, Senior Visiting Research Fellow, City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales -
Combining forced residential relocation with supportive services: What can Dutch housing associations learn from the American HOPE VI programme?
Alexandra Curley, Researcher and Reinout Kleinhans, Senior Researcher, Department of Urban Renewal and Housing, Delft University of Technology -
Urban rehabilitation societies: The Portuguese case, characteristics and potential
João Pedro T.A. Costa, Professor, Town Planning Department, School of Architecture, TU Lisbon
Volume 3 Number 3: Special issue - The reuse of contaminated sites for sustainable development strategies
Editorial: An introduction to the reuse of contaminated sites for local sustainable development strategies
Margherita Turvani, Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Planning, University IUAV of Venice -
Involving communities in the effective and efficient reuse of contaminated and derelict land in England
Paul Syms, Chartered Planning and Development Surveyor -
Brownfield management in Germany: A sustainable issue
Detlef Grimski, Senior Project Manager, Federal Environment Agency and Fabian Dosch, Senior Project Manager, Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development -
Dealing with residual contamination under 'clean to use': US insights on national practices and potential roles for local communities
Peter B. Meyer, President and Chief Economist, The E.P. Systems Group -
Brownfields in the Czech Republic 1989–2009: The long path to integrated land management
Yaakov Garb, Lecturer, Ben Gurion University and Jiřina Jackson, Director, IURS -
The French approach to contaminated land management: Legal framework and reclamation of former industrial sites in urban areas
Dominique Darmendrail, Scientific Adviser, Contaminated Land Management, Executive Division, BRGM -
Target-driven brownfield reuse — a benefit for deprived areas? A spatial analysis of brownfield reuse patterns in England's core city regions
Andreas Schulze Bäing, Centre for Urban Policy Studies, University of Manchester -
Gauging the outcomes of US brownfields revitalisation: A review of the impacts
Kris Wernstedt, Associate Professor, School of Public and International Affairs, Virginia Tech -
Stakeholder preferences for contaminated land clean-up and redevelopment programmes in Italy
Margherita Turvani, Associate Professor of Economics, Stefania Tonin, University IUAV of Venice and Anna Alberini, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Maryland -
Northala Fields: Valhalla in the distance
Cameron Cartiere, Co-Director, Centre for Media, Culture and Creative Practice, Birkbeck, University of London
Volume 3 Number 2
Guest Editorial: The credit crunch and regeneration
Michael Parkinson, Director, European Institute for Urban Affairs, Liverpool John Moores University -
Regeneration: Should it be targeted at a city-region or neighbourhood scale?
Derek Sutton, Operational Director, Major Regeneration Programmes, Halton Borough Council -
Knowledge: The new currency in regeneration
Hilary Burrage, Director, British Urban Regeneration Association -
Evaluation of the Townscape Heritage Initiative: Evidence from the Heritage Lottery Fund
Gareth Maeer, Head of Research and Isla Campbell, Research Manager, Heritage Lottery Fund -
Innovation and 'resistance to change' in urban regeneration practices: A new area-based programme in southern Italy
Carla Tedesco, Department of Planning, IUAV University of Venice -
Integrated planning for urban regeneration: The difficulties and a way forward
Dalia Lichfield, Senior Partner, Lichfield Planning -
Stability, residential satisfaction and the dynamics of change: Evidence from the New Deal for Communities programme in England
Christina Beatty, Principal Research Fellow and Ian Cole, Professor of Housing Studies and Director, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University -
Geographic information system behavioural and cognitive mapping in the city centre revitalisation process
Barbara GoliÄnik, Researcher and Matej NikšiÄ, Researcher, Urban Planning Institute
Volume 3 Number 1
Editorial: The broadening scope of urban regeneration and renewal
Jon Coaffee, Chair in Spatial Planning, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies, University of Birmingham -
Cultural animation and economic vitality: Identifying the links and regeneration potential through the lens of the urban street scene
Lee Pugalis, Business Manager, County Durham Economic Partnership -
Solving the riddle of the sands: Regenerating England's seaside towns
Benedict Rickey, Consultant and John Houghton, Principal Consultant, Shared Intelligence -
Turin: Urban regeneration in a post-industrial city
Francesca Governa, Associate Professor, Cristiana Rossignolo, Researcher, Silvia Saccomani, Associate Professor, Politecnico e Universita di Torino -
Regeneration as social innovation, not a war game
David Barrie, David Barrie & Associates -
From long-term decline to new diversity: Sociodemographic change in Polish and Czech inner cities
Annegret Haase, Andreas Maas, Sigrun Kabisch and Annett Steinfuhrer, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research -
Regeneration and health: Conceptualising the connections
Ade Kearns, Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow, Carol Tannahill, Glasgow Centre for Population Health and Lyndal Bond, MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, Glasgow -
The paradoxes of cultural regeneration: Artists, neighbourhood redevelopment and the 'creative city' in Poblenou, Barcelona
Manuel Tironi, Adjunct Professor, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile